Contact Us
At Madison Block & Stone, we pride ourselves on our ability and commitment to make ourselves available and listen to our customers. There are a variety of ways that you can get into contact with our sales staff to get your project started! We respond to calls, e-mails, and voicemail messages. Feel free to use the most convenient method for you to begin planning the project of your dreams!
Fill out the form below with your questions and a representative will respond to you shortly! Please use the form further down the page for countertop inquiries.
Looking for a Granite, Quartz, or Marble countertop? Our team at Capital Stone can help! Fill out the form below to get in contact with them!
Madison Block & Stone
5813 US Highway 51
Madison, WI 53704
(608) 249-5633
Monday - Friday: 7:30am - 4:00pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed